SEO in 2016 |
SEO has changed in 2016.
This proves that Google is indeed very concerned about the users of the website owner,
when we see from the circuit at the beginning of 2016 until this
moment a change from a list of
sites which appear on page one change every day, all of them randomly unless they
which is already in the top rank pages. You may feel this way,
used to play a specific keyword you can get first
page but for now seo changed.
this is because Google itself said no changes should be made.
It became one of the serious problems that we
must know as a content marketing.
SEO Changes in 2016
When the last time we are so easy to
create seo became real,
it is very difficult to achieve, even though the website flooded
thousands and even millions of backlinks but in fact very difficult
to obtain the target page 1. It has been proved that the
influence of backlinks is not functioning properly.
Unlike three years ago when we apply the link bulding
with emphasis on web / blog is so easy it
makes the site to be number
1. But now seo has changed, everything is changed only on
websites that have a regular update that will
make the changes it all.
At the core algorithm has been made clear that for
now Google is no longer focused on the influence
of backlinks but google will assess the quality of
the content from the web. Quality content is one of the
indicators most possible. Sebanb content has an
explanation and information is needed by the user,
that seo today. So if you just rely on a lot of backlinks
it will not bring significant changes. Try to change long
been a seo seo 2016. Per lot of articles posts and create
articles that have quality. It would have been
easier to get rankings in the search.
Do seo is dead?
Until now search engine optimism is not dead,
just our style course that must be changed,
do not pursue the backlink is too much, but try
to focus on quality content. Then all the problems
we now face will be more easy. An important point for
seo strategy in 2016 is about the quality of the content.
in algorithm is very keen in the year, even in touted as core algorithm for
google. Therefore if the panda is working properly with google.
We have to change about the bad habits so far is less concern about the quality
of the content. Those are some new
ideas search engine world today we need to know.
reed also
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