Saturday, 25 July 2015

How to Determine Keyword A Website

Perhaps some of you are a Newbie as I used to be wondering? Why should determine the keywords. Ok I explain in advance, Keyword is a keyword in a web search, so the keywords should be targeted should certainly mengadung or go to a website. Of course not possible if your website is an online clothing store you create a keyword mobile phone shop. I consider the brief explanation you already know what I mean. If you do not understand please search on google a lot of discussion about determining keywaord discussion.

After the determination of the niche, another thing that must be done is to choose the keywords that will be used in the Website. If you have more money, you should buy keywords software optimizer, foreign brands such as software Market Samurai, but the price is quite expensive. For local brands, you can use the software Keyword spyglasses, fairly cheap $ 57. Software above but can find good keywords, can also be used to find similar web competitors. Can also be used to bring up the domain names are available.

But, if you want to use the free, alias free as I used to, then you can use the following alternative: Search for keywords in Google External Keyword Tool As the name of the URL is long enough, then I will not write it, you can googling, by entering keywords: Google External Keyword Tool then that site will appear the first page of google search
How to Determine Keyword A Website

Enter the appropriate kategory niche, eg "Weight Loss Tips" Then there will appear a lot of keywords that are relevant. Having met keywordnya, then the next step is to find the availability of Domain, you can choose Godaddy Domain as a place to buy a domain, as most buyers at Flippa more like Godaddy. BacaPanduan "How to find Availability of Domain on Godaddy"

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