Wednesday 22 June 2016

Old, Not Reason To Stop Being Blogger

Reason To Stop Being Blogger
Between Me and Squire Cipir

It's been long time since I
have no desire to contribute
in his Blog mbak this Indri (). I think  [dot] com
is a superb blog, blog theme consistent despite its sometimes
inconsistent (sorry Ms. Indri, maybe some of
the following reasons will explain my statement).
But again I have to consider about the feasibility of
my writing, approve not the same as Ms. Indri later?


My status during this
time was as silent reader,
which constantly monitors update the latest
articles on the blog that I admire this. In fact, I
remember very well the changes made on this blog. Starting
from just a blog on blogspot, then air-migration to WordPress,
then the last of VPS moved again to Cloud Server.

I took the title "Old, not a reason ceases to be a Blogger", please if
someone said that this is the justification for an old man to continue to be a
ctive in the world of bloggers. Perhaps my review into personal matters, and please
understandable. This means an acknowledgment that I am an old blogger.
Reason Being a Blogger

Currently I see a lot of potential young bloggers, I saw a remarkable spirit of them. There
are three reasons why I think monitoring them create a blog and become bloggers.
1. The first reason is the reason for the revenue of the Blog.

This is reasonable, because the chances of getting money from Blogs can be said to be "
tempting", so some new bloggers went straight to be able to quickly monetize new blog.
2. The second reason is the reason for learning to write in Blog

Perhaps this also applies to the first reason above, but is not
attentive to the problem income (although finally getting here in part also
directed to it). Most of its content is to vent, a sort of diary,
daily lifestyle and personal experiences.
3. The third reason is the reason for sale in Blog

It consists of people who largely own business by Off Line and try to do
promotions On Line. Its contents are clear about their own products,
to make it more known in the wider area.

There may be some other reason than the reason that I have to
conform my view. Please add in the comments;).

Back to Squire Cipir and not an accident but is the
intent that I always follow the flow changes on this blog. At
the time of air-migration from blogspot to wordpress, I-was joined in
Boyongan to wordpress. But the last one I have not been following, the
obvious because the traffic was still lets me do not need to use VPS.
Any lack Konsistensinan Squire Cipir?

Inconsistent does not mean necessarily bad, otherwise consistent
does not mean always good. I prefer watching on the theme of the blog,
the majority of articles on the blog this seller its theme is about the tricks
tips on blogs and adsense, then Ms. Indri began incorporating mystical things,
discusses the electrical and engineering sciences, the latter is the contents
submissions which of course vary from contributors, I read for example about
Mobile, color mixing techniques.

    The question is, continue writing what I miss ya Indri? Hhehe ...

But I calmly looked at the positive what the Indri Admin Ma'am,
that all will be accommodated in juragancipir, and with another
Blogger broadly provide space to work with his writings. By bringing
new motto JuraganCipir as the Blogger Community site in Indonesia.
Not Reason To Stop Being old Blogger

This is actually the main theme which I'll
pass on the bosses here.

I Abi Royen Sumarno a bloggernewbie, though already
familiar with and start blogging since 2009, so until
now has approximately 7 years as a blogger. I should still
have been experienced, but not for this one.

Why do I call my old blogger though much older than me?
Yes because one personal thing to me, that my son-was now
becoming a blogger and Google Adsense publisher who may be in
a few steps beyond the father of his shrewdness.

At first I inadvertently taught my juniors to learn to
read and then write back and I think its the best media is
a blog. Subjects in school are taught today that I recommend to
reveal in the blog. Rightly or wrongly in my opinion it was a
way to learn to remember and understand something ever heard, read and then written.

Any significant effects of the methods that I teach to my
children? There are two major effects that I feel. That is:
1. Positive Effects Being a Blogger ala My Child

Better understand what he learned, with an indication of
the value of school increases.
2. Negative Effects Being a Blogger ala My Child

Too much time in front of the computer, and sometimes seem
indifferent to anything else around it. Call it a less air-real socialization.

However I will not discuss more about these effects
certainly I always try to suggest something to make things being equal.

That's why I feel I've become an old blogger, then why I did not stop being a blogger?

My biggest reason was because I was too hobby of writing, the preoccupation
sometimes even irreplaceable. Share experiences ever done that others also feel what we do.

Some of the reasons become bloggers above I have ever tasted, online
revenue reasons, reasons to learn to write, reason for business promotion.

The latter made the Squire and gratitude to Ms. Indri if this article
is published. If you are real bloggers do not stop being a blogger just because of the
circumstances, youth is a time we must strive to be creative fires, old age
is a time we begin to understand what we give.

As inspiration alone (do not consider this a vanity, however,
because we have to think positively in respect of individual
efforts may be encouraging creative young bloggers), I work the company
and occupying a post of Manager and became a founder of the company
Marine Service. And, until now I am still a newbie blogger, despite being old.

Keep working young son! And Old, not a reason to stop into Blogger.
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Monday 20 June 2016

Mother Love You Up Old

online info internet

I wrote the first article in this  blog for the first time,
the man that we usually call the mother. Mother of God is a means
to lower the man from heaven, to drop back down to earth by birth.
When a baby is born, the mother is one of humankind's nearest.
We will drink milk and food at the same time the only one who
can we ingest that time.
love mother

Devoted To Mother
Close Relationships

The close relationship between mother
and child as a child, has made such a child
attached to her. Sometimes be sad, when fully grown,
we become detached somewhere for college, work, marry
and may also have been forgotten him. Fixing these relationships
can make a good relationship, whether it's for our relationship
with God and also the elderly as a whole. Because our mother was
born in the world, and it is proper to be maintained until
later in age we have the old

Devotion to the mother, makes the obligations
that should and must do. As we see all around us, i
n the event several television stations, many parents
who are elderly, even a few days ago I saw a television
show on a private television that show, how a mother who
had to move from one mosque to mosque others, because they
do not like and are reluctant to live with their children. So,
how did it happen? And unfortunately, when it is not told in detail.
If we had grown up and able to share with others, not for our mothers,
it is something which is entitled and obliged us to do?

Two points above, I think, makes a strong enough
reason, for all of us humans to always devote to the mother.
Given the mother is one of the most credited with putting his life in
a position to give birth to a human being. And it must be us who read the
article. Is that right?
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5 Social Media Tips For Site Traffic

5 Social Media Tips For Site Traffic
Social media is the most popular way to attract customers
and drive traffic to the web site page, but deifying has two
blades very opposite. You must target your information to the
right audience, connecting with the audience intelligently and
bind you in order to convert your social followers into traffic
on your website. Want to know how? Please see 5 tips for traffic
social media sites from the experts as we describe below.
Careful Where You Will Aim To People

Without considering the subtitle above,
many people automatically connect your
account on their social media sites to
their web site pages. If the pages of your
website just the same as common as most
people do, which is not organized properly
and confusing, such
strategies will only backfire for you and be prepared to fail.
David Risley of Blog Marketing Academy advised to drive traffic
to pages that have a high quality is more likely to attract visitors.

online info internet

Links from Twitter to the page "About Us"
direct offer deep enough
recognition as a direct response quickly after the tweet. Link to a
collecting contact information for a mailing list or a coupon page that
immediately offered something valuable. Its core is always directed people
to link directly to make them interested and
exactly like what they see in
your post.

Engage your followers Personal

Give your followers a personal
incentive to visit your web site pages.
Ask for their advice on the topic of the blog,
start a debate or take a quick poll. Post a question
to get 100 percent more comment. Risley advised to show the most
interesting responses right on your blog and let your followers know
their comments are displayed. It's hard to resist checking your post about
it. Social media author Belle Beth Cooper shows that maintaining your existing
customer engagement today is probably more important than looking for new customers.

Take advantage of your social media presence to interact with followers.
If you are using exclusively your profile to post links to your
website or blog, your customers will soon be away and
forget all about you. Start a conversation,
answer questions and if you do not
act like a living, breathing
like a human being
and not in the form of a
link generator.

Facilitate Fans To Share

People tend to prefer to follow
the link posted by their close friends
compared to postings written by a company.
Your fans make it easy to share products, posts and
much more. Include social media buttons on a site where your
fans are frequently used. If you post recipes, beauty tips and
inspirational home decor, make sure you include a decent photo of Pinterest
and include also the "Pin". Samuel Pustea of ​​Internet Dreams stressed the
importance of optimizing every image to be pinning.

Customize your social media links so that the post has been filled with
some text. You can set this link to generate a pre-written tweet or enter
keywords that is optimized by the description below the pin. Users can
change, but the standard makes information becomes highly unlikely that
they will share links that do not have the details at all. Link generator
such as "Click to Tweet" allows you to add a level of customization fast and easy.

Create Your writing Linked Visual

Social media pages created for fast scrolling.
If all you are posting text, your audience may miss
your message completely. If your post rambling, they may
even just will pass it. Posts that include photos will receive
even more attention. Facebook photos get the "Like" 53 percent
more and receive comments 104 percent more, according to a
study HupSpot.

Author, blogger and community manager Luke
Chitwood stressed the need to make sure your
photos include a link back to your site. Recheck
this link to ensure that the link is connected to
the relevant posts and ensure that the image original.
If your photo viewers' attention but did not carry it
around, it means you have lost a golden opportunity to
generate traffic to the site. Pictures binding interest
viewers and provoke their curiosity and will make viewers
more curious to learn more about your site.
Select Domain Hosting Service By Caution

Even if your social media marketing efforts
generate thousands of traffic, it will not mean
anything if your site is frequently down or not
running. The next step, you should do some sort of
research before choosing the right domain hosting.
For example, if your host really have assurance through
justifiable? What has "unlimited resources" and whether
it has a "support team with qualified knowledge" given that
this kind of service to offer something that is universal?
Do it diligently, and see such a comprehensive overview
Hostgator Hosting review in Sitegeek before you choose a
hosting service. Investing time and effort will pay off.

Social media profile offers a powerful way to generate
traffic to your website when they are well managed.
Unfortunately, many companies that have never seen measurable
returns in this strategy because they did not know how to make
social media useful for them. Start with this expert advice in
order to radically change the impact of social media on the traffic
to your web site pages. see also

red only
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SEO For Beginners With 10 Simple Steps Learning SEO

For those who want to learn new SEO then here you can
learn SEO in 10 simple steps. consider and apply the
information. SEO is flexible enough to accommodate the
needs, desires or shortcomings. Then SEO will also take
your business to the next level.


And here are 10 simple steps to learn
SEO for beginners or for additional information
that was nice to you about SEO:
Step 1: Setting

During the initial setup phase, you
should prepare yourself for success. Like a house,
need a strong foundation before it is built, as well as
SEO strategy. The foundation in this case consists of tools
such as Google Analytics, Google AdWords and Google Webmaster Tools.

    -Google Analytics will play a major role in tracking and analyzing how visitors interact with your site. Because free and intuitive, became a compulsory menu SEO campaign. Besides creating an account and add it to your site, you should read up on the features offered.
    -Google AdWords is very useful because it relates to SEO for keyword research capabilities. This powerful tool allows you to know what users are looking for so you can fulfill their needs and desires.
    -Google Webmaster Tools allows you to get the most out of your SEO efforts by taking a look at your website through the eyes of Google. This toolset gives you a keen insight on what the page, where the link that led to it, the keywords that work and aspects that need to be repaired. Very useful to read the Google Webmaster Guidelines.

Step 2: Audit Site

If you already have a website, do a
site audit when starting your SEO. Every
time Google becoming more stringent with the rules and penalty.
The best way to ensure your site to avoid a penalty is to audit the
site in detail. And to know how SEO Audit Site / Web You then can read
his article before us how to do SEO Audit.

Tool to audit the site is Moz Site Audit Checklist. As a source of reliable, detailed list is great for checking everything from the content and accessibility of the site architecture and internal links. Another option is the WooRank. This site audit tool automatically checks and analyzes many of the items on the checklist Moz. While the site audit may take time and energy, it is absolutely necessary for SEO. No previous penalties become more severe and eventually your hard work to be in vain.
Step 3: With or Without WWW

A very important part of SEO depends on the WWW is in
front of your site address. If you are not careful, you
could make a fatal mistake because of this. People often wonder
whether having to type or to go to
a website. In essence, this is about how search engines see your
website and how the links that point to your site to be treated. It
is important to choose only one of the two options. If you choose both,
the search engines will see your site as two separate locations, this
can damage the ranking and the quality of your links.
Step 4: Keyword Research

Some experts say the keyword research is the most important part of SEO.
It's hard to debate, as there are plenty of statistics to support it. If
you are serious about SEO, you need to do keyword research. In order for
your site is selected from the billions of Google search queries per month,
you have the right men . With keyword research, it would be
easy to gain an understanding of what the audience is looking for. Here is an
example of a useful tool that you can use:

    -Google AdWords Keyword Planner

    -Google Suggest


    -Google Trends

    -Google Webmaster Tools

Step 5: Navigation

There are two important navigation for SEO.
First, for visitors to navigate smoothly and quickly navigate
your site. Second, search engines have to find a clear relationship
between the link to the page.

To achieve both, need to build a universal navigation.
Identification why visitors come to your site, what comes out of
your main page and what search terms used on the site. You also have
to divide the product and key pages in a category with an appropriate name.
Finally, place the last category in the navigation universal and keep it simple.
If you use the drop down menu, must be in HTML so that search engines read it. If
your product pages have more than 20 items, consider adding a filter for
visitors to narrow down their search.
Step 6: On-Page Content

You need quality content to visitors. The latest Google algorithm
emphasis on quality writing and useful and not use keyword heavy.
Avoid keyword stuffing, count the number of keywords. The best way
is to target one keyword phrase per page. As for the structure, each
page should have a different setting and title.
Step 7: Meta Tags

To understand the value of meta tags, you need to think
through the eyes of search engine users. When you search for
something, how do you determine the results to click? Most likely
you analyze the first few results and read a few words from the titles
and descriptions that accompany it. As a site, you only have a limited
character string to entice users into clicking on the result of millions
of others available. This descriptive phrase is known as meta tags.

Your site will increase sharply with meta tags. Each meta
description should be about 160 characters and should include
the keyword phrase naturally. Also it is important to include some
sort of call to action. It is difficult to achieve with a few words
and requires planning and careful thought. If you've done keyword
research and site content effectively, everything will fit into place.
Step 8: Robots.txt

Robots.txt is a text file that you put on your site to tell
search engines which pages they are allowed to visit. This code
is not mandatory, but it helps if there is a page in which you do
not want to enter the search robots. Like the "Do Not Disturb" sign.
Thieves still come in if they want, but most people do not. Make sure
your robots.txt file in the main directory of your site and structured
Step 9: Sitemap

Although your site is a good, well-structured, it's useless
if people can not see. To get the maximum amount of traffic and
visibility, your site should be indexed by search engines and directories,
such as DMOZ. Otherwise, Google, Yahoo and Bing may not find the most relevant
page on your site to display.

Many of the techniques and tools that promise your site is indexed by
search engines. However, time-consuming. The most reliable way to direct
visitors through the search engines and your site content is to create a
sitemap. With HTML sitemap, visitors can quickly navigate your site. Also
the sitemap XML that is read by search engines to ensure the most relevant
page of your site is displayed.
Step 10: Off-Page

In addition to the work that you put into your website, you need to
work out your page. Build links through content marketing, blogging, guest
blogging, info graphics, site directories and other tools for online leaves
a trail leading back to your site. Off-page efforts also include social media
marketing. If used correctly, sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram
could be a tool in getting traffic. Whatever you do, avoid black hat SEO techniques
for off-page efforts.
Bonus! Waking Trust

In addition to 10 earlier rules, you must understand the importance of
building trust online using Google+ Author Verification and WOT. These tools
help you to build a healthy reputation and relationship of trust with the
search engines and visitors. Register your domain name for a minimum of 5
years also instills confidence and shows that you are planning to be around
for the long term. see also

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Friday 17 June 2016

Having a popular blog is the dream of every owner
of the blog wherever he is. One of the most important
indications of a blog or website into the top of the top is
to have a large user or visitor. So, if we now start to build a
blog from scratch, and how long it takes to make it big? , Consider
also Mistakes That Cause You Fail Blog Developing.

Questions like these are often asked by beginner bloggers raged to
learn and build a blog from scratch. In my opinion, such a question
would be difficult to answer because of the subject to build a website with
huge traffic depends on what kind of effort and strategies used. It turned out
that hard work alone is not enough, you need a brilliant idea that can accelerate
the way your website becomes large.


You Need 1 Year To Make a Great Blog
Traffic With 1-3 Million Visitors / Month

Wow, it turns out we only took one year to create
a website with huge traffic. Is it impossible? No .
You can create a blog with 1-3 million visitors monthly traffic in
just one year alone. Just imagine, with many visitors as it is, you will
get tens of millions or even hundreds of millions per month. Amazing is not
it? Consider also Blog Income You Have 5 Million Move Up? Let's Do About It.

So, what should you do to build a website with traffic as much as it
was in the period of one year? , The tips are studying sites strategy for
achieving these figures. One example of successful sites have been great without
the need for a long time is Hipwee. itself was founded in april 2014 ago. In
July 2014, they recorded at least 580,000 unique visitors with 1.7 million page views.

Not finished until there, in August 2014 hipwee gained remarkable achievement by
recording as much as 1,016,940 unique visitors and 3.3 million page views. In
just four months, they have reached that number. Is now the visitors as this
sounds impossible to you? , Remember, the blog and website competition is very
tight. However, all have a chance to be great with a healthy strategy.
Learn From Hipwee, this Key to Success Creating Great Website

If we compare hipwee sites with blogs that we have actually not much different.
If hipwee using WordPress as their CMS, as sites where you read
the article today use the same cms. This is not a case of motorcycles what
you use, but rather the one who carries the motorcycle.


If we want a little just take the time to observe Hipwee site,
then we will find a variety of unique and exceptional content.
Any content presented is not random. Of the titles presented made me
curious and interested to read it. I suspect even if the author hipwee
on having supernatural abilities capable visitors to linger
to read there.

It turned out that my suspicions had been wrong. In fact, some writers
hipwee have very reliable in creating content that sells. As never lose
the idea, they continued to update the content of the articles were very
interesting. This is what I conceive as the key to success Hipwee grossed
more than 1 million visitors in just 4 months. Not just rely on search
engines, visitor entry point they can come from anywhere.

So, to create a website with huge traffic can be achieved by anyone
if you are trying to present content can be outside. If seen, there
is no single Hipwee content created for the master search engines.
However, all of the content they are presenting to the visitor
made wholeheartedly.
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